2018-01-27 163.2 3.659 $2.53 44.6 ""
2018-01-30 189.7 4.308 $2.379 44.03 ""
2018-02-01 195 4.65 $2.359 41.94 "delivery routes with plenty of stop and go (and about a hundred pounds of produce in the back)."
2018-02-08 216 6.07 $2.499 35.58 "burned lots of fuel driving westbound in wet/sleet conditions into moderate headwind trying to get home before road conditions worsened. brought the overall mpg for this fill way down. not really sure I am recording the right amount when i fill up. something tells me my gas tank holds more than 10.8 gallons …"
2018-02-14 298 6.792 $2.229 43.88 ""
2018-02-28 337 8 $2.559 42.13 ""
2018-03-09 340 7.331 $2.399 46.38 ""
2018-03-19 316.18 7.05 $2.259 44.85 ""
2018-03-26 328.7 8 $2.329 41.09 ""
2018-04-08 305.5 7.5 $2.499 40.73 ""
2018-04-18 387.8 8 $2.599 48.48 "Trying to plan for tail wind driving or early morning calm winds"
2018-04-23 332.2 8 $2.709 41.53 ""
2018-05-07 386.6 9 $2.709 42.96 ""
2018-05-14 421.3 9 $2.699 46.81 ""
2018-05-22 316.9 7.16 $2.869 44.26 ""
2018-05-26 250 5.91 $2.999 42.3 ""