2022-12-08 170 3.008 $3.179 56.52 "First that I have calculated. Been relying on the onboard computer which calculates an average of 64 mpg."
2022-12-22 179.7 3.193 $2.939 56.28 ""
2023-01-11 195 3.523 $3.229 55.35 ""
2023-02-09 199.6 3.66 $3.449 54.54 "Marvel Mystery Oil in this tank"
2023-03-07 173.3 3.104 $3.299 55.83 ""
2024-03-14 185.1 2.857 $3.499 64.79 "55 mph instead of 60."
2024-04-04 180.8 2.95 $3.59 61.29 "Limited to 55 mph, 6500 rpm."