2014-02-20 346 9.364 $3.89 36.95 "My first tank of when I got into the apprenticeship. I started working at UofO on the Student Rec Center. I was also not doing any hypermiles, just my regular driving."
2014-02-26 372.3 9.887 $3.39 37.66 ""
2014-03-04 347.7 8.984 $4.25 38.7 ""
2014-03-14 362.6 8.659 $3.6 41.88 ""
2016-09-27 348.5 8.53 $2.45 40.86 "First tank of learning hypermiling techniques. Lets see where it goes from here. "
2016-10-11 406.3 10.32 $2.29 39.37 ""
2016-10-20 422 10.11 $2.49 41.74 ""
2016-10-27 425 10.407 $2.49 40.84 "I would coast when above 40mph, and use DFCO when below 39mph.
This tank had a lot of stop and go traffic and a 30min creep on I5 past a wreck.
Never shutting the car off.
Next I will try some more EOC and shutting off the engine while at long lights."
2016-11-09 388.2 9.872 $2.33 39.32 "I used EOC a lot. And shut off the car at stop lights.

I also had two trips coming home where FE was furthest on my mind. When my son and two trips to the ER and I needed to get there fast(er)."